Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Aren't we all. The thought crosses all of our minds. What can we do to make a little extra money?or someone would be interested in my products, these would sell. I think this is a realistic goal for anyone who puts in the appropriate time and energy. I am in the process of learning this myself. I have created the brand LE Designs. I have a talent, and products to sell. I have launched an Etsy page, and now I must try to keep up with all the other momtrepreneurs out there. Wish me luck!

Monday, January 14, 2013

A wise man once said

Jared's dad sent this quote to him while he was on his mission. Made this to hang in our room. This is a good way to look at life. Thanks Ric for the wise words. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Sensory Block

Once again, I am finding uses for extra yarn. I have been tempted to make some blocks for Ellie. I made a sensory block. The two sides not pictured I used a bobble stitch for extra added texture. I filled the block with fill and added a few ribbons. You can crochet 6 square the same size and sew them together or follow a pattern similar to this one http://www.lionbrand.com/patterns/90653AD.html.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Sweet and Simple! Crochet band with a knot. Has a vintage feel to it.