Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Peach Pumpkin

I continue to explore the world of homemade baby food. Ellie has been eating solids since she was 4 months. She dove right in and has been a great eater ever since. It seems there are only a few foods that are recommended for babies 4-6 months. We have successfully tried:
sweet potato
green beans

Okay that seems like quite a few, but after 3 months of the same foods every day I eager to introduce her to something new.

With most of the veggies and fruits I have steamed or boiled them, then food processed them and put the mixture in ice cube trays. I usually feed Ellie 3 cubes of frozen food. I defrost them in the microwave and just make sure its not too hot before feeding it to her. I mix in rice cereal or oatmeal with a lot of her food. 

I cant wait until she can eat more foods, so I can explore more recipes!

Its been great to use fruits and veggies that are in seasons. Neighbors have shared their harvest, its been great!

Started Ellie on some finger foods. Carrots, peas and bananas so far. I have them cooked until they are soft enough for her to gum. 

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